Review: Letters to a Young Pastor - Calvin Miller
Are you ready for an insight into the life of a Church Pastor ?

Review:Letters to a Young Pastor - Calvin Miller - 2011
Ever wondered about what life is like for the Pastor of the church ? Ever thought about stepping into the life of ministry within your local fellowship ? Letters to a Young Pastor introduces readers to Calvin Miller. Calvin Miller is what I would call in the life of Pastorhood , an experienced one , being pastor of a church for over twenty-five years. Imagine , twenty five years , 52 Sundays a year , depending on your church -anywhere between 1-3 sermons a Sunday. That's alot of preparation and different sermons every week. I always wondered whether they keep a record of their sermons, the prep work as it would be interesting research material etc. Imagine the God's knowledge that these Men of God have within them, it's astounding.
Letters to a Young Pastor is Calvin's gift to new Pastors chronicling his life in letter format as a Pastor , his up's and down's , his different themes. The way the ministry has changed for him as the years passed and new technology made it's way into our world. Like for me , I remember the days of putting the words on the screen via the OHP's and now its all done through Powerpoint. Or when the sermons were translated onto tape cassettes and now it's gone from CD's to DVD's.
Letters to a Young Pastor from Calvin Miller contains over 35 short chapters, he covers topics from family life, ethics, sermons, biblical worldview, leadership, and spiritual discipline. An excellent memoir from an “old soldier” sure to be a blessing to those just beginning the journey of their pastoral call.
This is the ideal book for anyone not just those wanting to become Pastors but anyone wanting to take that step of faith and work in God's ministry.
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