Review: The Fury - Alex Michaelides

Review: The Fury - Alex Michaelides - January 2024

August 2024, was a slump of a month when it came to reading. I only managed 16 books, which really is a slack month and the thing too was I didn't have a lot going on but I know I had been busy with work and just tired/exhausted when I got home. I also haven't been feeling like romances or fantasy as I find romances I can get bored with if I'm not in the right mood and fantasy are books, I have to have the brainpower to think about. For me, thrillers are my go-to reads as they keep me entertained. This one caught my attention with the seven of us on the island and one of us is a murderer tagline. I love these sorts of reads. The book starts with us reading as six people arrive on a Greek Island called Aura. The trip though will end in one of those seven people ending up dead and one of them being a murderer. This book was an easy read and told from the unreliable narrator's POV. I also loved Alex's writing as it was easy to read and flowed well, especially the "never start a novel with the weather". I am now looking forward to reading The Silent Patient and The Maidens as they are written in a similar style with unreliable narrators. I also loved the Greek angle with this book as it talked about Greek tragedies and superstitions with the wind aka "the fury" storm. If you are in the mood for an easy-to-read thriller and one that is light on gruesome details and more a character development, then check out The Fury by Alex Michaelides today.


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