Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Jennifer .E. Smith

Do you believe in love at first sight ? Ever had a connection with someone that though it may only be for a few minutes or hours , it feels like forever ?
Review: The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight - Jennifer .E. Smith - January 2012
Are you one of those few people that believe in love at first sight ? Ever wondered really what is the statistical probability of love at first sight?
For these two individuals Hadley and Oliver, meeting and discovering love was the last thing that they ever had thought might happen and they definitely didn't encounter on discovering it whilst being stranded at the airport.
Hadley is off to her father's second wedding and is dreading it , if that wasn't bad enough she has missed her flight by 4 minutes and now has to be stay overnight in the airport, two of her worst things - Claustrophobia and Crowds. Oliver is off to London for a different occasion and finds himself feeling particulary intrigued by Hadley. The two strike up a conversation and then uncannily end up seated next too each on the plane to London. They soon discover that their locations are within twenty minutes apart . When Hadley discovers Oliver's reason for coming to London, she feels compelled to visit him . Will this be a fateful meeting of love at first sight or will it be a fleeting destiny romance ?
Find out all this and more in The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight as we discover what happens when two people are left together for 24hours with mutual attractions.
The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight was an easy read and one that holds a not-so-complicated storyline.


  1. That's a great quote. It makes me want to check out the book.


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