VBT# The Battle of The Brains - Michelle Graves

Review: The Battle of the Brains - Book #2 The Misadventures of Maggie Moore - Michelle Graves - April 2016
This particular book I had been looking forward to as I loved the first one in the series where we meet Maggie Moore , who was a journalist of sorts and at the best was clumsy too and she still lived at home . Parts of her story reminded her of myself and so I was excited when I heard that there was to be a new one out. The thing was though , I was a little disappointed with The Battle of the Brains overall as don't get me wrong , I did enjoy parts of the story and it made me laugh. Especially my favourite quote was Haters, I shook them off like Taylor as I love that song - it's the text ringtone on my phone. I just found this book hard to connect to and felt myself feeling distanced away from Maggie . In Book #2 Maggie has put on her grown-up pants and moved out of home and has moved to Atlanta. She is still working with John and it seems that the past few months have been difficult for them as there is a lot of unresolved tension and John has been seeing a therapist. It also looks like Maggie's heart is aiming for another -Deacon who is another journalist currently on a hiking expedition. Throughout the story we readers know she is meant to be with John, but of course Maggie can't see that and she is in love with Deacon who btw we don't actually get to meet until near the end of this book. I did enjoy when they went to the boxing ring as I could see myself pulling a bit of a Maggie and getting hurt while trying to learn boxing and I did love reading her column about Chessboxing as I still am trying to imagine how Chessboxing would actually work. I think readers that if you are a fan of Maggie Moore's Misadventures then you will want to read this book , but just a fair warning you may struggle with it as I felt through the pages things were just clinging on. Overall , The Battle of The Brains was a good sequel and I do look halfway forward to Book #3 but on the other side it has left me in doubts - so I shall see when the time comes of the release.
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