VBT# Kisses on a Paper Airplane - Sarah Vance-Tompkins

Review: Kisses on a Paper Airplane - Sarah Vance-Tompkins - May 2016
One of my favourite themes to read about and one that I certainly am a sucker for is the Cinderella type stories where your ordinary plain Jane meets a handsome guy and they can fall in love or even have a "moment" , a just for now instead of a HEA. One that can be story that they will reflect on in the future. Kisses on a Paper Airplane was one of those books. Hannah is flying back home for her mother's impromptu wedding and is travelling in luxury from London to New York as her new stepdad -to-be has brought her a first class ticket. When her first flight is delayed, Hannah ends up in the first class lounge where she meets a handsome guy named "T". She has no idea who he is at this point and he likes that , and they strike up a friendship. This friendship carries them throughout the different airports and stops and the pair almost have their first kiss as she now knows who he is and can't believe that he is liking her -when he could have anyone in the world. Their happiness is cut short while at the Chicago airport , when photos of them on the plane are leaked and he blames Hannah. He goes one way, feeling hurt and betrayed and she goes the other way having her heart broken by a guy she just met and also feeling betrayed towards her friend Julia for selling her out. While back home in Wisconsin , Hannah is getting ready for her mum's wedding to her new stepdad and thinking of her almost-kiss with Prince Charming . Will Hannah have to settle for her first kiss to be with a Frog or will T surprise her when he turns up in Wisconsin ? Kisses on a Paper Airplane was one of those YA feel-good stories where it shows that even little and simple "moments" can leave a long-lasting impact on one's life and that sometimes having higher standards can lead to something good and that it doesn't necessarily mean you have to miss out. Kisses on a Paper Airplane was a quick read and one that if you love Jennifer E. Smith's titles on Insta-Friendship and Love , then you will thoroughly enjoy this book.
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