Review: The Long Game - Elena Armas

Review: The Long Game - Book #1 Long Game Series - Elena Armas - September 2023

Adalyn Reyes has always tried to be cool, calm, and collected but when she snaps and ends up assaulting the team Mascot and the video goes viral, her dad isn't happy and it looks like extreme damage control is needed. So he is sending her to the middle of nowhere to coach a children's soccer team. The thing though is that when Adalyn gets there, hiding out in the middle of nowhere is retired soccer champion Cameron Caldani. The pair clash of course at first but then you see sparks flying and then eventually the pair do get together through some ups and downs and bumps and twists along the road. The book was a good sports romance but then now comes the downside of The Long Game, it was so slow burn that it felt like the book went on forever. Elena Armas, bless her heart and some readers love slow-burn romances - she is the Queen of them. I need to have my books a bit more fast-paced otherwise my mind wanders and I feel like I am slogging my way through the book just as Adalyn did when she came to the bush of North Carolina.  If you love slow-burn romances, which I did a poll on Instagram and found the majority of readers do and you love your Soccer reads or as the English call it "Football", then you will enjoy Elena Armas's new read The Long Game. Get your cleats on and as the old Yoplait ad went you just gotta: "kick the ball, like I tell ya" and curl up and read The Long Game.



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