Review: Part Of Your World - Abby Jimenez

Review: Part of Your World - Book #1 Part Of Your World Series - Abby Jimenez- April 2022

Paula's reading series out of order struck again sadly, this is one of those downsides of being a mood reader and also not doing the research before hopping into books haha :P. I read Book #3 first Just for the Summer and loved the book, so going back to Book #1 I didn't enjoy it as much as I probably would have if I had read it first. This was because of a couple of things, the first was that I knew how this couple's relationship was going to end up and second, the character Neil was painted as a villain and an asshole in this book as I got used to Mr. Nice Guy Dr. Neil Rasmussen in book #3 where he was the lovely landlord and happy guy who let them in their lives and fell for Emma and Daniel's dysfunctional mother. In Part of Your World, Alexis Montgomery has been dating Neil and broke up with him as he was gaslighting her and making her feel super small and not worthy.  This book starts with Alexis heading back home after a funeral when her car gets stuck in a ditch and she ends up being rescued by Daniel. The pair meet up again in a bar and they go home and have an amazing one-night stand that ends with Alexis leaving at 4.30 am and heading back to her home and the hospital. Alexis wants to quit her life at the hospital as she hates being around Neil and the memories, but as a legacy - things aren't that easy, especially when her brother reveals some NDA news and tells the family he is moving for good to Cambodia. Daniel and Alexis are worlds apart in the way that she is wealthy and has a well-respected family and Daniel is a small-town carpenter who loves the simple life. When Alexis decides she wants more of Daniel and decides to take the risk? Will it work out or will their lives be too different to be a part of each other's worlds? Find out in this contemporary romance read that will also get the Little Mermaid song stuck in your head as you read "Part of Your World" by Abby Jimenez.



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