Review: The Serial Killer's Daughter - Alice Hunter

Review: The Serial Killer's Daughter - Book #2 The Serial Killer's Family Series - Alice Hunter - July 2022

Being Spooktober, I try and read a bit more thriller novels and this book sounded good. I had read the first one and enjoyed it, they had also made a TV series based on the first book. The Serial Killer's Daughter is based on a serial killer named The Painted Lady aka Paul Slater. Paul Slater's MO was leaving butterflies known as Painted Ladies on his victims, he also had a daughter named Jane he loved and adored. When Jane was young, her father was arrested and that left Jane with her overprotective mother Claire. As soon as Jane was 18, she left home and changed her name to Jenny. Now years later - she is a successful Vet and has two wonderful children and her husband Mark. Jenny's life is about to be uprooted when a woman who Mark had an affair with disappears, and now she is getting black bags with dead animals and butterflies on her doorstep. Who knows about her past? As Jenny suffers from blackouts, her husband soon gaslights her and makes her believe she killed or knows where Olivia is. Who is setting up Jenny and wants her to believe she is just like her father? When I was reading this book, I felt like I had read this story before as the plot sounded familiar, but I knew I hadn't which means it's a storyline that is popular but for anyone who does love thrillers, this was a great read and I am now looking forward to reading Book #3.



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