Review: Coming For You - J.A Huss

Review: Coming For You - Book #3 Dirty, Dark and Deadly Series - J.A Huss - November 2014
James and Harper over the last few months have both had a rough ride of life and it's about to get a whole lot worse as Harper is kidnapped by James's brother and it turns out that he in fact has a twin brother called Vince who was a jerk, no matter what James did I still like James alot better than Vince. Turns out that what Harper had believed was in fact a lie and that all this time they have been stringing her along and biding their time while they were waiting for her to come back on the ship. When disaster strikes and everyone is left to believe James is dead , who will come and save Harper now ? We also catch a glimpse of James's sister Nicola - who remember we all thought was dead and his mother who trust me, nobody wants as a mother-in-law. Remember Sasha ? Turns out she has been promised to Nick - Harper's twin brother , will Sasha ever escape the Company ? Near the end of this book, we get to catch a bit of my favourite J.A Huss character Ford and his newfound family.
I was glad that this book had finished on a rounded ending and did not leave the readers with a cliffhanger or unsatisfied. If you love Dirty, Dark and Deadly New Adult Romances - then you will enjoy J.A Huss's series and Book #3 Coming For You.
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