VBT# Insanely Drawn - Dani Morgan

Review: Insanely Drawn - Dani Morgan - July 2013
Growing up in a house where my Dad has worked mainly with people that have disabilities and mental illnesses , I have always been drawn to books that contain Mental Illnesses as I find them fascinating. In Insanely Drawn , we meet Sienna Kennedy who has just finished college and about to start her first job at a Mental Institution. Things are about to get crazy for her though as not just mental institution crazy, but weird crazy. While working on the maximum security ward at the hospital, the last thing Sienna expected to do was run into a blast from her past - her childhood friend Cade Collins. He has been locked up in the ward for the last few years and the hospital has Cade nicknamed as the one to win the "Most Unstable Patient" of the year award. Cade has a secret though and this is where the paranomal aspect of the novel comes through as Cade is in fact a Shapeshifter. Of course you can guess where the story ends with Cade and Sienna, but before they get to the final page - this book is filled with lots of twists and turns and strange things that readers, some of them you would never have guessed and for someone who is a big reader like I am , I am normally pretty intuned with guessing in novels but a few parts in this book I was like - WOW OMG. If you love the scariness of Mental Institutions and the Brain Buzz of who to trust and who not to trust and then the fine line between Doctor and Patient, then Insanely Drawn is the read for you.
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