VBT# Vacation in Naples - Eva Fejos
Have you ever read a book where you found the plot to be a bit too busy for your liking ? For me, this was Vacation in Naples by Eva Fejos, if you love fast-paced books with lots of tangents and streams happening , then you will enjoy Vacation in Naples. The first part of the book starts off with Niki , who has just arrived home from a cruise to discover that her parents are getting a divorce and her dad has left her mother for a younger woman - one only a few years older than Niki herself. The next clip shows them in the attic, clearing out her fathers stuff when she comes across an old photo of her mother with a handsome man , that isn't her father. Turns out his name was Alessandro Grotti , a guy she met when she was 17 and fell in love with on a school sports trip in Naples. While continuing to clean out the attic, Niki always being the investigative journalist- finds her mum's old diary from that time leading up to meeting Alessandro and decides to invite her mother with her to Naples when she's off to do a Cruella De Vill type story. This part of the story as you can imagine as a Letters to Juliet twist when Niki reunites the two old lovers. The next part focuses on Niki's love life when we discover she is dating the detective , but from the reader's POV is he already married and has another one on the side as we read some pretty romantic and needy messages from Andras to Laura. Who is Laura ? The other part is the involvement of a ten year old girl called Fannie - who has just discovered that her parents aren't her birth parents and the brother she thought was dead , is in fact her father and he is very much alive ? Reading Niki's involvement in this aspect, does make the reader wonder whether Niki is in fact the girl's real mother - but is rarely touched on the girl's maternal side just her father's story. Of course, what's an investigative journalist without trouble on her side, when an convict she helped put away , escapes prison and vows to hunt her down and kill her ?
As I said before , this book is definitely not short of storylines and if you are a straight-forward reader who likes to know what's happening all the time, you may find yourself a tad-confused as it does jump all over the place. Then again , what's a true Vacation - without a little mayhem, fling and fun along the way.

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