Review: One of Them Is Dead - LL Hunter

Review: One of Them Is Dead - Book #1 Riverside Oak Mystery Series - LL Hunter- September 2023
I was so excited for this book to be released as I loved
this author's Summervale Series. In Riverside Oak Mysteries, we meet Amber
Delacorte who has just awoken in her house with blood on her head, a bloody
rock, and her sister is missing. What has happened and why can't she remember?
Did she get into a fight with her sister? Where is her sister's body? These are
all questions Amber has as she suffers from temporary amnesia. Next door, she
meets a guy her age who becomes her fast friend but with the rumors swirling
Amber wants to get to the bottom of things and won't stop looking for her
sister, even if it causes drama and mayhem as Amber's family isn't quite normal
- they are a mobster family. The book then jumps to Amber looking for her
sister and wakes up at a strange boarding school called Paradise Academy. What
is she doing and will her questions be answered as the hot guy she just met and
her sister turn out to be student/former students? One of Them Is Dead finished
on a cliffie and is a quick thrilling YA read that will hit the spot if you
need a fast read. I am now looking forward to Book #2 in this series and also
the author will be heading to New Zealand for a book author event which I am
excited about as can't wait to meet LL Hunter.
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