Review: Bad Kids - Zijin Chen

Review: Bad Kids - Zijin Chen - September 2014
This month I have felt a bit of a reading slump, and this one was on my Libby App. I was in two minds as I never have read any books set in Asia. I was captivated by the title and as I was reading it, I was immediately drawn into the book. We first meet Zhang who has been working up to killing his parents’ in-law and so he has found the perfect crime scene and way to murder them. Or he thought it was as turns out at the park with a camera three friends who have captured the whole thing and now can prove it was murder. Chaoyang and his friends need money to survive as his two friends are on the run from the orphanage, they plan to blackmail Zhang. What will happen though when Chaoyang's friends come up with a plan to get back at his stepmother and accidentally kills his young stepsister. Soon Chaoyang and his friends are stuck in the middle of several murders and must figure out how to get away with murder and throw the cops off their scent. This was such a great fast-paced thriller and the perfect read if you want to read a book set in a different continent and translated into English. Fans of the series Teen Killers by Lily Sparks will enjoy Zijin Chen's book Bad Kids.

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