Review: The Mystery Guest - Nita Prose

Review: The Mystery Guest - Book #2 Molly The Maid - Nita Prose - November 2023
Every now and again, I feel like a cozier mystery read and Nita Prose's Molly The Maid series provided not only that but also a sense of belonging as her main character Molly is on the spectrum and is a neurodivergent character, so some of her traits and personality quirks, I understood on a bit more of a personal level as I come from a family where my mum and two siblings were on the spectrum, my partner is between borderline to strong possibility and myself shows mild tendencies to borderline. In The Mystery Guest, Molly has been promoted to Head Maid and is training Lily who is quiet and reminds Molly of herself. The hotel is getting prepared to host the author JD Grimthorpe as he has a big announcement to make. Just as he gets ready to read his cue cards, he drops dead on the stage. It seems the hotel has another murder and poor Molly and the maids find themselves the prime suspects once again. As Detective Stark arrives, we wonder if didn't she learn anything about her assumptions the first time around. Who killed JD Grimthorpe and what was his big announcement to be? Molly of course knows she could be a suspect, as she met JD Grimthorpe when she was a little girl along with her grandma and Preston the doorman. Was JD Grimthorpe killed to protect his secret or something more sinister? Find out in Book #2 The Mystery Guest by Nita Prose and Nita - I would be fine if in Book#3 you kill off Cheryl or at least make her guilty enough to be finally fired as I am sick of her second and third chances haha :P.

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