Review: The Sisters Thorpe - Samantha Preston-Morris

Review: The Sisters Thorpe - Broken Roses Series - Samantha Preston- Morris - November 2021
This is a series where each book is a stand-alone and written by a different author, I first discovered it as the very first book was written by a favorite author of mine so I decided to support the other writers in the series. Each book displays a strength of the female character and though it may seem small in the big picture world, it shows that even little steps we take can only be done if we are brave and dare to do so. In The Sisters Thorpe, we meet Beth who was living her life and doing what she wanted until one day her sister Diana and husband Felix died leaving their three kids behind. Beth was awarded custody of the girls, put her life on hold moved into a small home, and spent her life mothering the girls. Now the girls are teenagers and Beth is feeling burnt out and at her wits end, she just can't do it alone now. When the girls end up trying to hitchhike and run away, this is the last straw for Beth. She is about to call and ask for help from the one person she vowed never to and someone she hasn't spoken to in over six years, her mother who the three girls are about to discover lives a few towns over and is extremely wealthy. Can Beth put her feelings aside and do what is right for everyone and in doing so, will this help her rebuild her relationship with her mother Elizabeth, whom she was named after? Find out in this indie read "The Sisters Thorpe" by Samantha Preston-Morris.
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