Review: Endgame - Chloe Walsh

Review: Endgame - Book #1 Ocean Bay Series - Chloe Walsh - March 2018
It's books like this one that I love as it transports me back to the years when New Adult romance had been around for at least 5 years as it kind of perked onto the market about 2012-2013. The year when reading a stepbrother romance was not just about the pure smut and sexual innuendos, it wasn't written as an erotic tale. It was about true emotions and pure love, they knew it was viewed as wrong but the romance wasn't seen as something dirty. Authors like Erin Watt and Estelle Maskame come to mind. In Endgame we first meet Rourke as a child when his mother died, the book then jumps to him at 17/18 years old and his father has just gotten married again. For Rourke, he is about to get another step-sibling aka Number #6. However, he is also going to get twin siblings as Mercy's mum is pregnant with Rourke's father. Mercy isn't happy about this arrangement either and isn't going to roll over and play nice but will be polite for her mother's sake. Mercy isn't afraid of Rourke and is prepared to give it back to him, just as much as he chucks out. Of course, you can see the direction where this story ends up and the other thing is I loved that the book didn't end on a cliffhanger but a years later epilogue. I am now excited to read Book #2 Waiting Game which features Mercy's friend Molly who we read in Endgame that she was in a fire that killed her mum and brother. After reading and enjoying this book, I am now more excited to read Chloe's series Boys of Tommen as I have most of the series on my bookshelf. If you want a series to get back to the world of New Adult romance before the market became saturated, then check out Chloe Walsh's Endgame as you will as a reader wander down memory lane.
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