Review: The One That Got Away - Charlotte Rixon

Review: The One That Got Away - Charlotte Rixon - February 2023
Have you ever had a lost opportunity for true love? Someone who you just connected with and thought that you would easily spend the rest of your life with? Then something happens and despite the closeness you two shared, you drift apart till that other person just becomes a fleeting thought and someone you might think about once in a blue moon when you see something that reminds you of them.
The year is 2020 and Clara is working as a news reporter and turns on the television to discover that a bombing has happened at the local football stadium. Her heart jolts as she thinks of Ben - the boy who got away as she knew he attended the games every Saturday. In that split moment, she buys a ticket and rushes to make sure he is ok. She later sees him on TV as he and his son Aiden got separated and his son was at the game when it bombed. This leads the pair to meet up again and the spark is still strong and going well is this a chance for the pair to have a second chance romance despite what is going on in the world? The book then flips back to 2000, the year Clara and Ben met and had two fabulous days together of course as it happens - Ben ends up sleeping with Zoe and this is where Aidan comes into play as now Ben has to do the right thing and be with Zoe rather than follow his heart with Clara. As I am a fan of second-chance romance tales, this one warmed my heart and I even liked the added suspense of the suicide bomber and Ben's son Aidan's connection to him and the terrorist attack. The other thing that I discovered after reading this book was that Charlotte Rixon is also the thriller writer Charlotte Duckworth whom I had read a couple of her thriller books.

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