Review: Amber Brown is Not a Crayon - Victoria Ying and Paula Danziger

Review: Amber Brown is Not a Crayon - Adapted and Illustrated by Victoria Ying from Paula Danziger's JFIC series - May 2024

Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon: The Graphic Novel, adapted by Victoria Ying from Paula Danziger’s beloved chapter book series, breathes new life into the story of Amber Brown and her best friend, Justin Daniels. This graphic novel is a vibrant and engaging retelling that resonates with both new readers and longtime fans of the series.

Amber Brown and Justin Daniels share an inseparable bond. They've known each other for years, sharing classes, homework, and unwavering support. Their friendship is a beacon of consistency in Amber’s life, especially as she navigates the challenges of shared custody between her parents. However, their world is turned upside down when Justin announces he’s moving away. The impending separation tests their friendship, leading to misunderstandings and arguments. The question looms: can they reconcile before it’s too late?

The graphic novel format enhances the story’s accessibility and appeal, particularly for younger readers. Victoria Ying’s illustrations are bold and colorful, mirroring Amber’s own vibrant personality. The visual storytelling is expressive, capturing the emotional highs and lows of Amber and Justin’s friendship. The illustrations bring a new dimension to the narrative, making it more immersive and engaging.

One of the strengths of this adaptation is its ability to tackle complex themes such as friendship, change, and conflict with a lighthearted yet thoughtful approach. The humor and puns that are characteristic of Paula Danziger’s original books are seamlessly integrated into the graphic novel. These elements not only provide comic relief but also make the story more relatable and enjoyable for children.

Amber Brown is a character that many children can see themselves in. She’s bold, bright, and unafraid to express her feelings. Her struggles with Justin’s move and the resultant emotional turmoil are portrayed with sensitivity and realism. This makes the book a valuable tool for discussing themes of change and coping with difficult emotions with young readers.

Reflecting on my own childhood, I remember the excitement of discovering Paula Danziger’s books. Seeing an author with the same first name was a big hit for the 8-9-year-old me. This graphic novel adaptation rekindles that nostalgia while offering a fresh take for the current generation.

In conclusion, Amber Brown Is Not a Crayon: The Graphic Novel is a delightful read that captures the essence of Paula Danziger’s beloved series while adding a modern twist. It’s perfect for children navigating their own friendships and changes, providing both comfort and entertainment. Whether you’re a longtime fan or new to Amber Brown’s world, this graphic novel is a must-read.



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