Review: A Curse for True Love - Stephanie Garber

Review: A Curse for True Love - Book #3 Once Upon a Broken Heart Series - Stephanie Garber - October 2023

The last book of this trilogy, though to be honest the way it finished - had set up the possibility for more stories to be told by this author set in the same universe. You know how sometimes you read a series and then you are holding out to reading the last book as you are uncertain how you will find it? I was this way as I absolutely loved the first book and then the second one, made me feel like it took longer to read than it should have and this one was in the middle of the two books. At the end of Book #2, we were left with a cliffhanger ending as Evangeline opened the Valory Arch and it was revealed what was hidden behind. At the start of this book, Evangeline wakes up but finds her memories have been erased and she is told she is married to Prince Apollo and that it was Jacks who tried to kill her and is a monster. This of course is not exactly how things played out and as we have seen from previous books, Evangeline is often hunted and cursed and this time if she isn't careful, one of those people after her, might just succeed. That is, if she can't get her memories back and find her way back to her true love - The Archer aka Jacks. I did enjoy this story, but there was one sentence on the last page - that I was like NOOOO and I wondered whether the author just didn't know the answer or she was like I am going to annoy readers and not answer- that one particular question and the readers have to come up with their theory. When you read the last page, you will know exactly what sentence I am talking about.  I am now excited to head back and read this author's earlier series Caraval which features Jacks's prior story with the woman who broke his heart.  I didn't learn about this series till I was up to Book #2, otherwise I would have read it before the Once Upon a Broken Heart Series as it's a bit of a prequel series.



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