Bite Me - Jaci Burton ( R18 Novel)
In the mood for a quickie - book style that is ? Ellora Cave Publishers have made a collection of novellas for those readers who only have a spare fifteen minutes or so on their plate and want just a wee pick me up with a hint of erotic and paranormal spice to it .
Book due to content is an R18 - contains graphic sex scenes
Review : Bite Me - Jaci Burton
Are you ready for a little bit of "Bite Me" actin ? We all have our soapbox weaknesses , those TV Shows that we are addicted to and have to watch each episode and weekly too . For me it's Gilmore Girls and The Mentalist - hmmm that sexy Simon Baker. But of course to get in line with the story, "The Vampire Diaries" with the hunky Vampire brothers Stefan and Damon Salvatore, aren't we all jealous of Elena and what about Sookie Stackhouse with Bill and Eric.
In Bite Me , Gina is twenty-nine going on thirty and is a virgin. Hoping to lose her virginity this weekend, she attends the "Bite Me" fan convention of her favourite TV Show . We then see Gina being drawn out of a draw to dine with the cast of "Bite Me". At dinner, the lead star Deacon is taken with her , though for him it's a matter of having her for dinner as he needs to kill a virgin in order to live another year as we discover that the cast and crew of "Bite Me" are in fact actual Vampires and tonight's special Virgin is Gina. Upon discovering what he is , what is Gina's reaction ? Will she go through with it or will she back out last minute and what is this pull and intense emotion that Deacon feels for Gina, something he has never experienced before ? Read to find out what happened the following morning, which one survived ?
Find out more in Jaci Burton's bloodsucking and watering tale "Bite Me".

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