Review: Flight Plan - Lee Burns and Braxton Brady
Today's book is the ideal gift for all those young men aged 12-18 who are wanting to build and move closer to god and become manly men in christ.
Review: Flight Plan - Your mission to become a man - Lee Burns & Braxton Brady - Nov 2010
Are you ready to take the next step into your beginning walk with God ? Are you a male aged between 12- 18 years old ? If so , then get ready for a journey of flying with Flight Plan : Your Mission to become a man, that is of course similiar to Tom Cruise's slogan was on Mission Impossible - "This is your mission to become a man, if you wish to accept , please read this wonderful book".
Flight Plan uses the metaphor of a journey of flight to discuss issues relevant to tween and teenage boys and touchbase on topics such as friendships, peer pressures , alcohol and drugs, girls and dating , family, school and most importantly the big S word "Sex". Throughout the book, each chapter talks about the virtures of godly men, includes stories of real-life Christian guys and memory verses throughout the book and guys to make sure that you are treating girls right and to find out what they expect, their are responses to guy's questions on how girls want to be treated and what they like from a guy. Having this insider information will teach you not only how to respect the opposite sex but this will also help in charming those of the opposite sex - a bonus to you males out there. Of course in saying that , this is a God-building non-fiction book that brings our boys into god fearing men.
The book is based on seven biblical virtures- We have The True Friend , The Humble Hero, The Servant Leader, The Moral Motivator, The Bold Adventurer, The Noble Knight and The Heart Patient.
With each chapter to be used as a teaching tool , included are reflection guides which contain discussion questions.
Mum's and Dad's, if you have a son and are serious about his commitment to Christ and him becoming one of God's followers, then this is a book I would seriously consider purchasing for his tween and teen christian journey.
Get Ready Boys to Fly :)
This review copy was provided by The B & B Media Group Inc.

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