Calling Romeo - Alexandra Potter
Romeo, Romeo, Where art thou Romeo ? In the 21st Century finding love can be difficult. In a world where people use to fall in love, marry and have kids at a young age is now a thing of the past as we are living in a day and age where thirty is the new twenty when it comes to finding the ones you love.
We also are always hearing about "The One" , is "The One" the guy that follows your romantic guide to life or is it "the one" thats always there for you and provides you with stability ?
Review: Calling Romeo - Alexandra Potter - 2004 
For years, Juliet has been getting the Romeo jokes chucked at her , left-right and centre. For the past 5 years Juliet has been living with her boyfriend Will, though of course she feels the romance spark has reached it's tether in their relationship. However , when he stands her up on Valentines Day, she starts to re-evaluate her relationship with Will. Is he the one for her, or is she just in the relationship out of comfort and safeness ? Enter Sykes, a handsome Italian who sets Juliet's heart a flutter with fireworks galore, not to mention he's wealthy, single and handsome. He is a guy filled with romantic gestures, a guy who brings the romantic sparks to Juliet. He is her Cary Grant whereas Will is her Tom Hanks. However , relationships and flings can only last ever so long and Juliet must decide who her Romeo is before it's too late and she loses not just one of them but both in the process. Is her Romeo "Sykes"-her Cary Grant from a Touch of Mink or is it Will -her Tom Hanks from When Harry met Sally ?
Read as Juliet discovers that romance -the whole nine yards isn't all that it is cracked up to be.
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