Review : A Not-so- Simple Life - Book #1 : Diary of a Teenage Girl : Maya -Melody Carlson
A Few years back , I tried to read Melody Carlson's Series "Diary of a Teenage Girl : Caitlin" and Book #1 of "Diary of a Teenage Girl: Kim" and I found I couldn't really get into them. However with the release of Books #1-3 of "Diary of a Teenage Girl: Maya , I thought I would read and give the 1st Book a go and I really enjoyed it , so looks like I might as well start making my way through the different Girls again. Starting of course with Maya.
Review : A Not So Simple Life - Book #1 : Diary of a Teenage Girl: Maya - Melody Carlson - July 2008
As I said above in the preview , I didn't really get into this series a few years back when I tried. However I really enjoyed reading Maya's story and noticed that in the last few pages - the previous Diary Girls : Chloe , Caitlin, Kim are all featured. In Maya's story we see her as a fifteen year old turning sixteen in a few months , her not so simple life includes being Nick Stark "The famous musician's daughter" whose currently on tour at the moment and her life with her mum Shannon -who is an alcoholic and drug addict. In A Not so simple life we watch as Maya gets her first job , her second job and then her third job all within two months and her third job she becomes a model . All is going well for Maya until her mother goes on another binge and wipes out Maya's savings. Maya then heads to live with her cousin Kim and Uncle Allen -who is talked about in Diary of a Teenage Girl : Kim. Maya who has been homeschooled since she was 12yrs old , enrolls in Kim's High school and meets Chloe , Caitlin who are the other two girls in the Diary of a Teenage Girl series and is introduced to God. Read as we watch Maya start to become closer in discovering who God is and whether he truly is right for her.
One thing I really liked about Maya's diaries , is that Maya is a Vegan for life and each day features an Organic Green Tip for the Day.

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