Review : The Penny - Joyce Meyer & Deborah Bedford
Who has heard of the christian female evangelist Joyce Meyer , she has ventured for the second time into the life of writing Christian Fiction. Paired up with Deborah Bedford, they bring you a southern tale set in the time of segregation and racism.
With life, every little action we do can cause a ripple, sometimes for bad and sometimes for the good -though at times it may not seem that way at first.
For Jenny Blake, it all started with finding a penny and the events it lead to landed her , her first job with the mysterious Miss Shaw - owner of the jewellery store. It is once that Jenny recieves this job we discover that life for her and her sister Jean hasn't been at all rosy as her father is an abuser both physically and sexually. In the novel we see Jenny yearning for her mother to gain some backbone, her sister Jean to face reality and stand beside her instead of wishing herself in Grace Kelly's shoes. As the story develops we see Jenny losing friends as her real-life starts to crack and Jenny ashamed and afraid to let anyone know. With the help of Miss Shaw, will Jenny find the courage needed to stand up to her father and will her burst of confidence be just enough to rev her mother up to her own two feet also. Set in the heart of St Louisana - in the year 1955, this novel The Penny is southern through and through and discusses the cases of segregation between the whites and the coloureds.
With the Penny, Jenny will learn that big decisions only amount to so much but the little things in life can completely transform your life.

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