Review: With Friends Like These - ReShonda Tate Billingsley - 2007
One thing about working in a library is that you get to discover new books and series to read. The downside though is that the library can sometimes be not that efficent in buying series in order which is why people like me sometimes end up reading book #3 before book #1 or #2.
Review : With Friends Like These - Book #3 Good Girlz Series - ReShonda Tate Billingsley- April 2007
In With Friends like these we are introduced to a group of 4 girls - Camille, Alexis, Angel and Jasmine . They are part of a reformed behaviour christian group called "Good Girlz" . All four of them have been in trouble one time or another with the law and just have each other for support. However , this is about to change as the girls have a chance to audition for the chance to be a hostess of a new talkback Teen Show .
It starts out as a fun activity , that soon turns sour cherries as we see each girl competing for her chance at stardom and when you add in the factor that they each have a shady past , the things that they can do become ten times worst. If this competition isn't enough to tear them apart, then what's happening in all of their lives are and what makes it worst is they soon won't have anybody to turn too. From Camille , who has met a lovely white guy only to have her and his parents worrying about the racial aspect of their relationship - he's white and comes from a wealthy family and she's black and poor and to top it off her ex-boyfriend Kevin has been released from Jail and is after Camille. Alexis has fallen head over heels , in love with Jasmine's brother only to have him cheat on her with his ex-girlfriend and just to add salt to her wound , her parents are getting a divorce. Jasmine is failing her classes and if she can't keep up her grades , its bye-bye Good Girlz , so in order to stay she had better get cracking and bring those test scores up. Last but not least, Angel -the only one with a baby in the group , Angel works hard to support it but can she stay on the straight and narrow or will she succumb to temptation and revert to her old habits ?.
With Friends like These , can you go wrong or can they keep you straight ?
A good urban christian fiction which shows that not all Christians have had an easy life and that we all make mistakes.

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