Review: A Compendium of Kisses - Lana Citron
With Valentine's Day just around the corner , I figured that this book obtained from was the perfect Valentine's Day treat - as of course we all love recieving kisses and lots of them.
Review: A Compendium of Kisses - Lana Citron- Dec 2010
Kisses, we all love them , yearn for them , It's the one thing that can be done a millon ways and still mean the world and of course each kiss can be a symbol for something else. As Valentine's Day is approaching , I figured why not start the lead up to Valentine's Day with a romantic book at heart.
A Compendium of Kisses takes us readers on a journey throughout history from the time kisses began , the nature of a kiss , kisses throughout our culture , those awful kisses and the ones that made us swoon to Kissing Jokes and Games and to conclude the Perfect Kissing recipe.
Sounds like fun, so sit back readers as I take you on a quick browse and share with you , some of my favourite parts of this book.
We have the "ology's ":
- Philematology- the art or study of kissing
- Philematologist-one who studies kisses
- Philemaphobia or Philematophobia - the one who has a fear of kissing
The Composition of A KissCupid, if storying legend tell alright,
Once framed a rich elixir of delight
Once framed a rich elixir of delight
A chalice o'er love-kindled flames he fix'd
And in it nectar and ambrosia mix'd
With these the magic dews, which evening brings
Brush'd from the Idalian star by fairy wings
Each tender pledge of sacred faith he join'd
Each gentle pleasure of th' unspotted mind......
- Samuel Coolidge-
- Samuel Coolidge-
This book I fear I could go on and on and on like the song that never ends , if you have been captivated by the poem and introduction . Then I suggest that this is one book that every female no matter how old or young they are , needs to have on their bedside table.
A perfect gift men out there for Valentines Day and who knows if you read it , you might just learn some tips on how to kiss a women in such a way, that fireworks and one leg in the air may happen.

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