Review: Mama's Song - Ben Beaton
In life there are lessons to be learnt, and sometimes as we are about to read in Ben Beaton's debut 2009 novel "Mama's Song" they are more painful thatn others.
Review : Mama's Song - Ben Beaton - 2009
Meet Georgina aka George, she is running away from her problems when her waters break and she finds herself in a hospital bed with the news that her baby is on it's way. George gives birth to a baby girl called Hannah.
Mama's song is both a past and present novel as it reflects to the events leading up to finding out that she was pregnant with Hannah and the events that happened after the birth of Hannah. Now George , must face the facts and live up to her responsibility as being a mother to Hannah as she is all that she has got.
As George becomes stronger in the hospital , will she be able to move forth with Hannah and confront her own Mother and Stepfather whom she has been running away from and when the time comes will George be able to put Hannah up for adoption or will she realise that the best thing for both of them is having each other?
As George , if she decides to keep Hannah , has a future to think about , is she able to open her heart and find the forgiveness needed to for her own mother and step-father Neill ?
With a topic that is so familiar to us all and a statistic that is on the rising, this novel is heartbreaking and reading it realises that in fact when a teen has a baby or discovers that she is pregnant , the months leading up to the birth and after can be quite stressful and worrisome.

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