Review: Ms Marvel - No Normal - G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona (Artist)

Review: Ms Marvel - No Normal - G. Willow Wilson, Adrian Alphona (Artist) - October 2014
Are you a fan of graphic novels or as us layman call them comic books ? Growing up I have always had a soft spot for Superheros and always thought how awesome it would be to become one - be like SuperGirl or BatGirl and now just like our childhood dreams for Muslim girl Kamala - her dreams are about to ring true. Always wanting more out of her life rather than the strictness of Muslim rules and never allowed to party or hang out, Kamala dreams of being one of the Avengers and it seems that she may get her wish when she is on her way home from a party when she is accosted by the Avengers. From this experience , we read as Kamala is transformed into the new Ms. Marvel and Kamala is defintely setting to put her new identity to work as she becomes the new town's vigilante saving people from crime and danger. Ms Marvel - No Normal is the perfect comic book read for all females of all ages as Kamala is just a normal girl like you and me who shows that life can be better and that unpopular girls can become somebodies.
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