Review: Where We Were - Kellie Sheridan

Review: Where We Were -Book #0.5 Four of a Kind Series - Kellie Sheridan - November 2014
Imagine being a quadruplet ? What would it be like to be one of four sisters ? Each of us have our own personalities but when things get tough - we band together. In this prequel novel to the new series Four of a Kind by Kellie Sheridan - we discover all about each girl's personality and what's happening in their lives. In this book, the sisters have been told that they are moving back to the smalltown where they were born, they left the town when they were babies and moved to the big city - so why is it that their parents want to go back ? Each girl has their own life here in the city and aren't one bit happy about having to leave their friends, schools, relationships - old and new. This was a quick read and each chapter of the story is told from one of the four quadruplets and readers are acquainted with each character's basic personality so that by the time Four of a Kind is released in January - the readers will be more suited to the characters. One of the things I love reading about is sisters - not just sisters in general but books where the main characters are twins, triplets or quadruplets -and it's even better when they are all identical - makes the story more interesting.
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