Review: Battle of the Sexes - Adriana Locke

Review: Battle of the Sexes - Imperfect Love KW - Adriana Locke - June 2017
Remember the Hitched series
and how they did a spin-off in the Kindle Worlds called Imperfect Love. Battle
of the Sexes by Adriana Locke was one of those spin-offs. Carver Jones works
for his family's advertising business Jones and Gallum.
Carver can't believe his chance to finally move up to the big league is finally
here as the Old Man Gallum is retiring
and it makes sense for a Jones to be CEO as his surname is half of the sign for
the company. That is until Gallum announces that he will be passing his reins to
his daughter Amity Gallum. Now Carver and
Amity will fight for the position as CEO, and
the fight will be dirty as neither will stand down and roll over like a good
dog. What will happen though when the lines of enemies get crossed, and they start
to move more into the area of enemies to lovers?
I loved this book as it was good to reconnect to other characters like Noah and
Olivia and for them to give their advice to Carver and Amity as it is similar
to what they went through in part. Needing a quick romance novella to devour, then Battle of the Sexes is the read for you.
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