Review : The Mockingbirds - Daisy Whitney
Today's book is one that mixes modern day life to the tune of How to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and is a book that all teens should read.
Review: The Mockingbirds - Daisy Whitney - November 2010
The Mockingbirds is a book that I had been excited to read and I was glad as I really enjoyed it. The story crosses the themes of How to Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee and reminded me alot of the author Laurie Halse Anderson's work. In the Mockingbirds , the school body are the judgement callers, the policing school system . When Alex is date-raped , she doesn't know who to turn too , so she turns to her big sister Casey with the help of a friend T.S . Casey, years ago set up a group based on the book How to Kill a Mockingbird as it was brought to her attention that the staff at Themis Academy didn't know how to deal and refused to deal with the issues at hand. So Casey takes it in her power to set up a trial for Alex in the case of date -rape by Carter - a member of the Water Polo Team. Read as we discover the ins and outs of the Mockingbirds and the process of realisation and healing that Alex must go through to recover what happened and will her favourite song be ruined due to this incident ? What will happen when fellow Mockingbird Martin starts to show an interest in Alex , will the relationship conflict with her case and what will the consequences of Carter's actions and the trial result in ?
Find out in this awesome read that I think every teenager should bury their noses into, especially the female gender.

I've never been faced with a situation like Alex's. I've never felt that sort of powerlessness, but after reading The Mockingbirds, I still felt stronger. Like, maybe, if something like that were to happen to me or someone I knew that things would get better eventually. That life will come back to you eventually and every single day won't be a reliving of the event. You will get back to being you, a different you, a changed you, but you all the same.