We're Doing the Book Blogger Hop :)

It's that time of the week again , Friday and With Friday comes the Book Blogger Hop :)

This Week's Question IS :

"What are you reading now and why are you reading it?"

Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, Book 6)Mums: A Celebration of Motherhood

*Last Sacrifice - Vampire Academy Book #6 - Richelle Mead - Review Copy -reviewing it for my site and www.247girl.co.nz ( another site I write Book Reviews for).
*Mums : A Celebration of Motherhood - New Stories from Britain's Best Loved Authors - Edited by Sarah Brown and Gil McNeil - Reading as it is a Library Book.

With my books that I read I tend to always have on my current reading pile two books - A RC and a Library Book.

This Week's PP Question ?

*On Holiday, How Many books do you like to take away ?

                                                                    Answer :  
 I tend to take depending how long Im away 7-10 Books . This Year though my Ebook reader "Kobo" came in handy as I had read in my pile as two of the books weren't really books I was into and wanted to read in the end.



  1. Mums sounds cute! I like to read a variety of review and library books as well - though not usually at the same time! :) Thanks for hopping by!

  2. I've been sitting on your page for twenty minutes, mesmerized by your magical, sparkly heart with the spinning flowers, hahaha :)
    Oh, Vampire Academy! I've been reluctant to read the VA books for some reason, but I have heard so many good things about them that I just know I'll eventually break down and read them all in a bookish craze. Thanks for stopping by my blog, sweetheart! Hope to see you around :)

  3. Ive been wanting to try the vampire academy books

    Hopped by Kylie

  4. I've still only read the first VAMPIRE ACADEMY novel, but I'm going to have to start again and read the whole series in one bang! Happy Friday!

    Here's my hop and weekly round-up!

  5. Hello from the hop! I'm reading Middlemarch (George Eliot) and Delirium (Lauren Oliver.) I've had Middlemarch on the go for months, when I'd read a few chapters then pick up something lighter. I've nearly finished and it'll be weird when it's all over, it's been my companion so long.

  6. Hopping through. I just got Last Sacrifice from the library. Can't wait to start it.
    My Hop

  7. I'm going to put "Mums" on my to read list. Have a great weekend!

    Here's My Hop

  8. E-readers are great for vacations. Hope you're having a good weekend!

  9. I just read the first book of VA series and i'm dying to read the others! And the covers are so pretty... XD

    Thanks for your visit in my blog! :D I'm your newest follower!


  10. Hopping by.

    I fully intend to read the Vampire Academy books soon. Everyone seems to love them.

  11. Hi! I'm a new follower :o) I LOVED Last Sacrifice! It was a great ending to a really great series! I'm really looking forward to reading Bloodlines next! Happy Hopping!


  12. Hi! Just stopping by on the hop. Hope you have a great weekend :)
    Caroline @ Bon Bons and Reveries

  13. Cute blog. I'm a new follower.

    I haven't read either of those books. Thanks for introducing me to something new.

    Tevya @ Reading Lark

  14. Just hopping by on the blog! Thanks for stopping by my site.

    On my last vacation I think I took 10 books and one of them was a hardcover! My suitcase was so full at the end I had no room in it for my books. So I ended up mailing them back home. Now I have an iPad so I am going to load it up before I go, can't wait to go on vacation now!!

    Happy Reading!
    Sherri at Urban Girl Reader

  15. Hopping by to return the visit! I never quite finished Last Sacrifice. I think I was too worried that Adrian would be killed off... :-)

  16. I'm your newest follower!

    I've heard a lot about Vampire Academy but haven't checked it out yet.

  17. Thanks so much for stopping by! I absolutely LOVE Vampire Academy, so I hope that you enjoy Last Sacrifice!

    New Follower.

    Happy Hop!

    My Blog Hop

  18. Just hopping on by and saying Hi. Mums sounds lovely, might have to look it up. I often read 2 books a day when I'm on holiday so I'm so glad I've got my kindle for future trips!


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