Review - Where Love Went - Lindsay Detwiler
First off , I have to admit I love this cover - it reminds me of the cherry blossom trees that bloom every year around my workplace and this cover just has that awesome spring feeling to it mixed with romantic feelings that make you want to go awhh :) . If you love family sagas and authors like Monica McInerney and Cathy Kelly , then you will feel at home with Lindsay Detwiler's book Where Love Went. The book starts with the head of the family Charlotte getting ready to finally go on holiday with her husband Leonard to Ireland. A holiday that has been in the planning for so long . The night before they were due to leave there was a knock on the door - it was Charlotte's granddaughter Amelia in tears . She has discovered she is pregnant and needs time to figure out what to do and has left her musician boyfriend in Amsterdam where they are currently touring . The next knock turns out to be Charlotte's daughter Annie and her new husband Joe - they have come home early from their trip and had a whirlwind elopement in Vegas married of course by an Elvis impersonator. I have to admit , I loved the whole pre-knocking dialogue as her husband Leonard kept going on about how it could be a robber - this made me laugh as their door does get knocked on quite a bit throughout the novel. There is a lot of character development and study in this book as each character's distinct personality and quirks come out throughout the book. We have feuding grandmothers - Charlotte and Catherine who are also neighbours who argue over everything including a part where they are discussing Fifty Shdes of Grey in their bookclub and it turns into a elderly catfight, I mean reanactment of a Fifty Shades of Grey excerpt. Joe and Dave - Annie's new husband and her ex-husband as he makes an appearance with a new family member and Janie and Owen - sister and brother and boyfriend of Amelia. Where Love Went is definitely a read that if you are in the mood for family dynamics and a family that makes your's look slightly on the non-dysfunctional side.

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