Trudy Stiles - Epic Lies - Book Blitz

Title: Epic Lies
Series: Epic Fail #2
Author: Trudy Stiles
Release Date: June 27, 2016

DAX ANDERSON has always been the one to keep it all together.
~ His family~
~ His friends~
~ His band~
His heart is huge, but guarded. He’s the best friend. The protector. The shoulder to cry on. But he’s never been able to protect his own heart or himself. Lies from his not-so-distant past have destroyed his outlook on love - until he meets her.
GISELLE ANDREWS is confident and happy, but cautious. She’s learned to overcome many obstacles despite her past. She’s fiercely loyal and loves beyond measure. When she’s reminded of her past and the pain that she lived through, will her perfect world begin to crumble?
What connects Dax and Giselle, and will the EPIC LIES that they’ve lived through destroy their future?
EPIC LIES is the second book in the EPIC FAIL series and can be read as a STANDALONE novel.
This series is a spinoff of the FOREVER FAMILY series.
~ His family~
~ His friends~
~ His band~
His heart is huge, but guarded. He’s the best friend. The protector. The shoulder to cry on. But he’s never been able to protect his own heart or himself. Lies from his not-so-distant past have destroyed his outlook on love - until he meets her.
GISELLE ANDREWS is confident and happy, but cautious. She’s learned to overcome many obstacles despite her past. She’s fiercely loyal and loves beyond measure. When she’s reminded of her past and the pain that she lived through, will her perfect world begin to crumble?
What connects Dax and Giselle, and will the EPIC LIES that they’ve lived through destroy their future?
EPIC LIES is the second book in the EPIC FAIL series and can be read as a STANDALONE novel.
This series is a spinoff of the FOREVER FAMILY series.

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I turn to see him staring at me. Staring into me.
My cheeks flush, and I’m not sure if it’s from the wine or his proximity to me. His presence does something to me that I haven’t felt in a very long time. My pulse quickens, and I remember how I felt the night he came to my house, when I thought he was going to kiss me. How much I wanted him to. Now I want it more than ever.
I lick my lips and taste remnants of wine and strawberry Chapstick. “Dax?”
His gaze falls to my lips, and I lick them again, nervously.
“Fuck,” he mutters and exhales harshly.
“What?” I ask. My God, what is he waiting for?
“You–you’re beautiful. And I don’t know why, but I can’t get you out of my head. I haven’t been able to since that day. And I want to say so much, do so much. And I’m restraining myself. But you’re here. Why the fuck are you here?” His rambling is confusing me. He just said so much but nothing at all.
“Why are you mad at me?” The vibe that’s coming off of him is–intense. He’s frustrated and seems angry. “I swear to God I didn’t follow you here.” Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes. Get a grip, Giselle.
“What?” He looks at me and his eyes soften. “No. No, I’m not mad at you at all. And I believe you, I don’t think you followed me. You couldn’t have possibly known I was coming here. I’m not even checked into the hotel under my real name,” he mutters.
“Oh.” I’m still confused. His demeanor is constantly contradicting his mood swings. I can’t tell if he wants to kiss me or strangle me. “Then why are you acting this way?”
“I’m not good at this,” he answers.
“Good at what? Talking to someone?” I press.
“Restraining myself,” he says, and I tense up, my pulse racing.
“Jesus, Dax. Then don’t.”

Trudy Stiles is a USA Today Bestselling Author, writer of New Adult Romance, mom to two beautiful children, and married to the love of her life. She’s the author of the bestselling Forever Family series including Dear Emily, Dear Tabitha, and Dear Juliet. Epic Sins and Epic Lies are the first books in the Epic Fail series and will continue with at least two more standalone novels, Epic Love and Epic Holiday. She plans to write many more stories about some of the characters you’ve already met, and maybe a few new ones. Emily will get her own story, Sincerely, Emily, to be released in 2017.
She’s also a contributing author to the USA Today Bestselling anthology, F*cking Awkward, a hilarious group of short stories sure to make you cringe, laugh and everything in between. All proceeds from this project benefited The Bookworm Box and its charities.
Trudy is a music junkie and you’ll know that she’s writing when you see her plugged into her laptop with her earbuds in. Her playlist is unique and is a must for her writing sprints.
When she’s not writing, she’s carting her children to their various activities while avoiding any kind of laundry or housework. She also loves to run along the boardwalk of the beautiful New Jersey shore.
She celebrates Wine Wednesday almost every day.

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