VBT# Under a Million Stars - Rita Branches

Under A Million Stars

Review: Under a Million Stars - Rita Branches - August 2016

With author's works, sometimes their books are amazing and you find yourself so engrossed in them and then they write a new one and you try to read it but it's not as exciting or engrossing to you as the first read and you struggle a bit with it. For me, that's how I found Under a Million Stars as I loved her debut novel Painting Sky and was looking forward to this book and then as I started reading - it began good and then fell flat for me and I found it really hard to connect to the characters in this story. The book starts off with Charlotte at her piano concert and her family not turning up , we then discover that there was a car accident which has now left her an orphan. Charlotte still only seventeen goes to live with her family's best friends - The Parkers . Growing up Charlotte and Jacob Parker were inseperable and they even shared together their first kisses and all was going well until one day Jacob pulled away and each day started distancing himself from Charlotte and his family . Charlotte never knew the reason , all she knew was that her best friend in the world had broken her heart for no reason. One day he was there and the next he was gone from her life.  Now at seventeen, we discover that they are both hurting in their own way as we read the discovery of the decision and come to realise why Jacob pulled away as the reason would have destroyed not only their friendship but also both of their families.  I have to admit , even though Jacob was keeping this secret - I found his character quite hard to connect for as he comes across like a spoilt moody teenage and it's like really , could he act a little nicer since Charlotte just lost her entire family and world ? .  Under a Million Stars is an edgy read and touches on the topics of close family secrets - think the Hastings Family and DiLaurentis Family from PLL and you catch the drift . If you love secrets, family saga and drama, then check out Under a Million Stars by Rita Branches.


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