
Showing posts from November, 2013

Review: Goodbye Rebel Blue by Shelley Coriell

    Review: Goodbye Rebel Blue - Shelley Coriell - October 2013 Have you ever thought about compiling a bucket list ? What would you put on it ? Would you aim for unrealistic goals or goals that you could actually achieve ? What would you do if you only had one day to live ? That was the assignment that three girls were given one day during Detention. One girl Macey choose one thing that would present itself right through the book in the form of pies , Rebel Blue aka Rebecca Blue would write a list of outrageous things , that reading them I was like OMG that would actually be fun and the last was Kennedy Green. That particular detention, Macey skipped out and left Rebel and Kennedy alone together where they well mainly Kennedy talked about fate, destiny and death etc. After leaving the room , only one of them would make it through to the next day as the other would find themselves dead. After the incident, Rebel finds herself with the bucket list that Kennedy ...

Review: Off Sides - Sawyer Bennett

  Review: Off Sides - Book #1 Off Series - Sawyer Bennett - February 2013 Every now and again, you find a book that you can't put down and you want to keep on reading till the very last page. For me, I read a lot of books and lately the majority of them are New Adult novels . Some are good , others get me bored but every now and again I will find one that is AMAZING. One of the amazing ones that I found today was Book #1 in Sawyer Bennett's series "Off'. Not sure what to expect, I started reading it and what I found was a truly amazing love story. In Off Sides we meet two very different people in society's terms but behind closed doors they couldn't be closer to the same. The main female is Danny , a waitress who at first we see as a rebel but then as the novel goes along we see a deeper side of her which I liked as in the majority of NA novels they don't often go to the depths of the character rather than just the storyline. The main male ro...

Review: Planning For Love - Christi Barth

  Review: Planning For Love - Book #1 Aisle Bound Series - Christi Barth - August 2012 Are you a fan of the movie "The Wedding Planner" ? The one with Jennifer Lopez and Matthew McConaughey? For me, that is one of my all-time favourite movies and I love it to bits. Every time I watch it , I wonder what it would be like to be a Wedding Planner.  Planning to Love by Christi Barth introduces us to a Wedding Planner named Ivy Rhodes who whilst finalizing the details for a wedding meets an annoyingly but hot guy named Bennett . However , where Ivy is all about the romance -Bennett is anti-romance and doesn't believe in the true love fairytale that Ivy has made sure she has created all her life for every wedding she has planned. As the story goes along , we see the main characters have that awkward -I hate you but secretly I love you beginning and then as the novel gets to about the middle - they start to fall head over heels with each other but then when thin...

Review: The Naturals - Jennifer Lynn Barnes

  Review: The Naturals - Jennifer Lynn Barnes - November 2013 Are you a fan of all the spy girl novels ? Read The Gallagher Girls, Heist Society, Etiquette and Espionage ? What about the ones who have powers to help solve crimes like Kimberly Derting's series The Body Finder or Cecelia Gray's new book Drawn ? From one of my favourite authors Jennifer Lynn Barnes comes a new book called "The Naturals". The Naturals features a seventeen year old girl Cassie aka Cassandra who has the ability to hear people's thoughts and read people to an exact art. The story starts when she is approached at her work as a waitress by the FBI that want her help. She soon discovers that a serial killer is at large and as the story goes on it seems that this case is related to the murder of Cassie's mother Lorelai years ago and now the killer wants Cassie to die. Can Cassie help the FBI solve the crime before she ends up with the same fate as her mother ? What will...

Review: Through Rushing Water - Catherine Richmond

    Review: Through Rushing Water - Catherine Richmond - July 2012 Set in 1876 , Through Rushing Water is a Historical Christian novel and tells the story of the quote "when one door closes, another one will open".  Sophia has been working as a teacher and courting the upcoming Senator and believes that he will propose to her and she will become the new Mrs. Montgomery and be the Lady of the House. All this comes crashing down around her as he proposes to her friend Annabelle instead. Heartbroken , Sophia attends a lecture on missionary work in China and helping save the Christians who are at this stage getting persecuted for their beliefs. What scares me though as I was reading this was that in some parts of the world in the year 2013 the persecution of Christians is still happening.  Sophia believing she is to be sent to China hops aboard the missionary team only to eventually discover she is being sent a little bit closer to home to the Pocona...

Review: Dare You To - Katie McGarry

    Review: Dare You To- Book #2 Pushing the Limits - Katie McGarry - May 2013 Pushing the Limits brought us the story of the unlikely pairing between Noah and Echo and we were introduced to Noah's friends Isaiah and Beth. In Book #2 we read Beth's story as the readers delves deeper into Beth's life and learns to understand why she is the way she is and what made her change into the person she is today. In Book #2 we start off reading and learning how Beth always has to help her mother as she is incapable and a druggie/drunk and has equally bad taste in guys especially when she seems to attract the dangerous and violent ones. The latest incident lands Beth living with her uncle Scott whom she hasn't seen since she was little. Can Beth start a new life away from her friends including Isaiah and her mother ?  The other main character in Dare You To is Ryan - he is a jock living what seems to be the perfect life outside of the home but behind doors it...

Cover Reveal : A Little Too Much and A Little Too Hot by Lisa Desrochers

    Synopsis: A Little Too Much - Book #2 A Little Too Far - Lisa Desrochers - November 2013 In the follow-up to Lisa Desrochersā€™ explosive New Adult novel A Little too Far, Alessandro Moretti must face the life he escaped and the girl he loved and left behind. Twenty-two year old Hilary McIntyre would like nothing more than to forget her past. As a teenager abandoned to the system, she faced some pretty dark times. But now thatā€™s all behind her. Hilary has her life on track, and thereā€™s no way sheā€™ll head back down that road again. Until Alessandro Morettiā€”the one person who can make her rememberā€”shows up on her doorstep. Heā€™s even more devastatingly gorgeous than before, and heā€™s much too close for comfort. Worse, he sees right through the walls sheā€™s built over these last eight years, right into her heart and the secrets sheā€™s guarding. As Hilary finds herself falling back into love with the man who, as a boy both saved and destroyed her, she m...

Silent Echo: A Siren's Tale' by Elisa Freilich Blitz

Silent Echo: A Sirenā€™s Tale Series- Silent Echo Trilogy # 1 By- Elisa Freilich Publication Date- September 2013 Published By- Diversion Books Genre- YA Fantasy/Paranormal  Silence was Portia Griffinā€™s nemesis. In a world where teens never cease to speak their minds, the sixteen year old Portia, rendered mysteriously mute at birth, has opted out of the mainstream conversation.   Instead, this silent sophomore at Ridgewood Preparatory Academy finds solace in her keen love of music and bizarre obsession with birds.  And it doesnā€™t hurt that her best friend, Felix Fein, deaf at the age of eight, couldnā€™t care less whether or not she is able to execute the spoken word.  But Portiaā€™s world is about to change ā€“ and not necessarily for the better.  After sixteen silent years, Portia is suddenly gifted with a voice unparalleled in its purity and powers. Her new ability to persuade, to seduce and to destroy with her voice alone sends Port...