Review: Goodbye Rebel Blue by Shelley Coriell

Review: Goodbye Rebel Blue - Shelley Coriell - October 2013 Have you ever thought about compiling a bucket list ? What would you put on it ? Would you aim for unrealistic goals or goals that you could actually achieve ? What would you do if you only had one day to live ? That was the assignment that three girls were given one day during Detention. One girl Macey choose one thing that would present itself right through the book in the form of pies , Rebel Blue aka Rebecca Blue would write a list of outrageous things , that reading them I was like OMG that would actually be fun and the last was Kennedy Green. That particular detention, Macey skipped out and left Rebel and Kennedy alone together where they well mainly Kennedy talked about fate, destiny and death etc. After leaving the room , only one of them would make it through to the next day as the other would find themselves dead. After the incident, Rebel finds herself with the bucket list that Kennedy ...