Review: Finding Emma - Steena Holmes

Review: Finding Emma - Book #1 Finding Emma Series - Steena Holmes - April 2012
Have you or do you remember ever watching the TV movie "The Face on the Milk Carton" or reading the series written by Caroline B. Cooney. Growing up that was one of my favourite movies as I loved the concept of it, so when I saw Finding Emma recently on Kindle I knew I had to read it and I loved it as it also reminded me of episodes I had watched on my favourite crime shows. Finding Emma starts with Emma being kidnapped when she was two years old and goes on as we read how her family copes. It then flips forward three years into the future and Emma has just turned five. The newspaper do a cover story of her and her face runs on the milk cartons. Meanwhile across town lives a little girl named Emmie with her grandparents Dottie and Jack. Dottie from day #1 has been very over protective of Emmie whereas Jack believes she is now old enough to go out and make friends. What will happen though when A) Megan believes she has spotted her abducted daughter at the local fair with an older couple in the background , B) Jack discovers that Emmie isn't who Dottie says she is and C) Emmie's new friend's mother pours some milk and spots a girl who looks similar to Emmie on the side of the carton . Is Emmie in fact Emma - the same little girl who was abducted three years ago from her front lawn ?
Find out in Book #1 of the series "Finding Emma" by Steena Holmes. A story worth reading if you loved The Face on the Milk Carton series.
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