VBT# Escape From Eden - Elisa Nader

Review: Escape From Eden - Elisa Nader - August 2013
Do you enjoy reading the true crime stories about cults ? Religious communities that aren't so conforming to the normal religions ? One's that decide to create their own religion and subject people to it, almost like a dictatorship ? One of the things that I am fascinated by is religious cults and their actions. It amazes me the lengths people will go to in order to maintain control , also the extremities of those who belong too will go to in a) order to belong or b) more often than not to survive and c) how people can become so brainwashed into believing that what is happening is right and correct. For the past few months Mia has been thinking about her old life prior to arriving at Edenton with her mother and brother , she feels the need to go back into the outside world. Yet, she has not done anything about it until she meets newcomer Gabriel. He is not afraid to stand up for what he believes in and he knows things aren't right. After a "bright night" ceremony that leaves eleven dead , Mia decides enough is enough and along with Gabriel they will try and hatch a plan to escape from edenton or as it is called "the garden of Eden". What happens when Mia and Gabriel decide to do something ? Will they make it out of Edenton with the ones they live or will it take more deaths to persuade the ones they care to come with them and rise against the dictatorship of Edenton ? If you are looking for an edgy read with a punch to it, then Elisa Nader's book "Escape from Eden" is the book for you.
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