Saving Stella by Eliza Brown Book Blitz
After living the past six years of her life as a shadow of her former self Stella Morgan’s twin sister Sloan takes matters into her own hands, setting her quiet, reserved sister up with her friend and boss Brayden Brooks.
But after the trauma of her past, can Stella ever trust another man? Can she overcome her demons to find her happily ever after?

Umm ok her we go… 1- I am slightly obsessed with my characters. To the point that I dream about them, my dreams usually end up being scenes in my books. 2- I’m so behind the times with technology that I only just got my first ever iPad in August this year. Thanks to my awesome husband who got it for me just because he’s awesome. 3- I got married two weeks after I turned 19. My husband and I had only met 11 months earlier. But when you know, you just know, you know? 4- I have three incredibly gorgeous kids. A five year old daughter and my boys are one and two. 5- I had all of my children before I turned 25. Crazy you say? I agree! 6- Saving Stella was not the first book I started working on. But it is the first one that was just right. I refuse to publish unless I am 100% happy with where the story goes. 7- I never finished high school. I dropped out when I turned 16 to become a… wait for it… check out chic at our local super market. Ambitious right. 8- I have used parts of my best friend’s names in my characters names. The twin’s last name is Morgan that is also one of my best friend’s last names. Stella’s receptionist’s name is Bianca that is my other best friend’s first name. 9- I had a massive crush on my childhood best friend Braden. That’s where Stella’s leading man’s name came from. 10- It would appear that cleaning my kitchen brings out my muse. Many of the scenes in my books come to me while I’m doing the dishes and I have to run off and scribble them down in my note book before I forget. 11- One day while writing one of the more frisky scene’s in Saving Stella I was really getting into the groove when my one year old pulled a sneak attack and crawled up under my desk and started sucking on my big toe. Needless to say I was no longer in the groove. 12- My big sister is my biggest fan. She is also my editor. 13- I have worked in a lot of varied fields of work. I was a check out chic, I’ve done hairdressing, I was a receptionist for a remedial therapist, I have worked in a butchery and I had my own clothing and jewellery business. 14- My sweet mother has never read any of my writing, and never will if I have anything to do with it. She would have a coronary! 15- My hair is never the same colour for too long. I love to change it up all the time, keeps me feeling fresh. It’s currently the longest it has been in over 10 years! 16- I was 20 when I first picked up a novel. Stephenie Meyer started my love affair with books. That’s right, Twilight was the first book I ever read. 17- My husband believed I had an unhealthy obsession with the Twilight books, so when I was away one time he burnt them. His excuse was, he ran out of kindling. 18- I LOVE to travel. I have been to the South Island of New Zealand, England, Ireland, Scotland and Paris. I would love to go to the US one day. 19- My favourite movie is American Outlaws. Young Collin Farrel, Oh HELL YES! 20- I have two tattoos, a Celtic butterfly on my left hip bone and a cluster of three dragonflies on the left side of my lower back.

"I am new to the writing scene. I'm a 25 year old domestic goddess aka a housewife. I have three super energetic children aged 1,2 and 5. I live in Queensland, Australia. I started writing at the start of this year. Saving Stella is not the first book that I have written, but it is the first that I felt was good enough to publish."

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