Review: The Lonely - Tara Brown

Review: The Lonely - Book #1 The Lonely Series - Tara Brown - February 2013
As a reader, I find it interesting sometimes with books as you see a cover and think that it might give you an indication to the story or you assume the cover represents the book . Then of course you start reading the book and it seems totally different than what you assumed and then as you get along in the book , it takes a major twist and then another and you sit there as the reader and think to yourself , alright what just happened here ??? In The Lonely , we meet Emalyn Spicer who is OCD and has panic attacks. She was as we learn an orphan who was found wandering the streets when she was six and taking to a Catholic orphanage in New Mexico. She is now twenty and in college in Boston , she has a mysterious benefactor who pays for her every need and she has a driver named Stuart who has been hired to be at her beck and call. All goes well , until danger strikes and Emalyn and Stuart find themselves in danger and beaten etc . As the story goes along , we learn that it has something to do with Emalyn's past before she ended up in the orphanage . Who is Emalyn really ?? What does her mysterious benefactor have to do with her life and who she really is ??
Find out in this edgy and fast-paced New Adult novel that will have you at times sitting on the edge of your seat wondering what is going to happen next and other times will have you thinking, ok what the hell just happened here ?
The Lonely is one of those books.
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