Review: Lucidity - CJ Lyons

Review: Lucidity - CJ Lyons - November 2010
Lucidity or as it is now known Torn Apart is a novel that contains something for everyone from the Medical side of things which is one of the main basis for the story and the setting as we are introduced to Grace Monroe, a former doctor who now has a brain tumor and also is being manipulated into being part of a drug trial called Luicidine. An historical novel as she tells the story of how Grace meet Jimmy and the search for Maeve's grave as this is the tale that she tells the children in the hospital that she meets. A Mystery as we discover that Grace's husband Jimmy was murdered by a guy named "The Beast" aka Lukas Redding who happens to be a patient at the hospital where Grace has been admitted and a Supernatural Fantasy as Jimmy comes back in Ghost format and Grace as well as Alex- a young boy whom Grace knew from her life as a Doctor and now as a patient is also admitted to the same hospital now as a patient and can see Jimmy's ghost. It may sound confusing and reading it , took me several go's as I was getting a tad confused myself but once you get a few chapters in and really stuck in the novel it tends to make a little bit of sense as it all begins to gel together. If you are looking for a book to read and have eclectic reading tastes then check out Lucidity or as it is now known as Torn Apart by C.J Lyons.
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