VBT# Missed Connections - Tamara Mataya

Review: Missed Connections - Book #1 Summer Love - Tamara Mataya - June 2016
I am a sucker for true romance stories and the whole "missed connections' and personal ads type tale so I knew I would be in love with this book and it turned out to be an amazing read. I remember when I was younger we used to get this magazine at home called the Trade Exchange and in it was a section called Personals and I used to sit there and read all the personal ads and the "wanted relationship" ads. Like Sarah, deep down I dreamed that when I was older that I might get an ad as it was such a romantic gesture and in a way I did about 15 years ago but through a text message , that whole secret crush - then revealed themselves in person through my checkout. Though have to admit, the dating period didn't last long LOL. In Missed Connections, it starts off with Sarah getting a new job working as a receptionist at a new age spa called "Inner Spaces". She's pleased for a new job as it means no longer sleeping on her best friend's Pete's couch and having to be around his luscious twin not-gay brother Jack. The job turns out to be a one-way track down to cray-cray land as the hippies she works for are all whack-a-doodles except for one who only works part-time - Blake. He's hot and they seem to be building a great rapport and one day Sarah sees a Missed Connections ad and it's finally talking about her. She answers and soon strikes a conversation with her mystery man - what will happen though when she starts sleeping with Jack and it comes time to meet her mystery man ? Who will she choose and what happens when she discovers that maybe everything is not what it seems and that sometimes Mr. Perfect or even Mr. Right Now has been right in front of you all along and sometimes it just takes a kick in the right direction for you to see and open your eyes to what-if's and possibilities.
Thank you for sharing your fun review!