Review: Monday Night Guy - Liz Lovelock

Review: Monday Night Guy - Book #1 My Guy Series - Liz Lovelock - June 2018
This is one book that I had been looking
forward to reading as I was a big fan of both Liz's previous series of Lost and
Letters in Blood. I have to admit I was hoping for a bit more of a punch with
this book and came out slightly disappointed. Overall,
if you are looking for a good NA College romance than Monday Night Guy is the
read for you but if you are wanting a bit more action than this isn't for you.
I felt in parts that the author could have gone deeper as the book starts with
our main character Addie and her boyfriend Hayden who we can tell is a jerk. I
felt this could have gone deeper in parts of maybe him hitting her as we had
seen in her other series. Parker sits on
the sidelines waiting for the day when
Addie and Hayden finally break up so he can go for her. He has always loved her
but never had the chance to tell her and now he does, the thing is Addie won't
be swayed that easy when it comes to Parker and he is going to have to try a
bit harder than he has in the past when it comes to chasing girls. We also see
Addie's ex Hayden slinking around with Addie's sister Ella, who seems to hate her with a passion. I would have liked to
have gotten a bit more depth on why Ella hated Addie so much. I loved Addie's
brother with Autism and I think its more so as I've been there with myself
having autistic siblings and a mother with it. These parts made me enjoy the
book and want to continue. So readers, on the lookout for a nice easy NA
college read- then check out Monday Night Guy but wanting something deeper,
then move directly past as you will only end up disappointing yourself.

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