VBT# The Upside of Falling - Meghan Quinn

Review: The Upside of Falling - Book #1 Blue Line Duet - Meghan Quinn - June 2018
This book surprised me with
the ending, it made me actually mad and
angry and I was felt so sorry for Colby. I was like WTH, how could she do this to him?
Does she not have a caring bone in her body as she couldn't even write him a
Dear John letter. This book starts off with Colby whose dad is dying and a
dream that a little boy shared with both his father and grandfather - to become
the best jet fighter pilot in the world. Colby couldn't wait to join the
airforce and had only that goal in mind. That was until his best friend dragged
him along to a party where he met a girl. He tried to be cold and shake her off
but she stuck to him like glue and as the weeks passed he couldn't get her out
of his head. The two begin exchanging letters and eventually start a long
distance romance. Things are going amazing until Colby gets into his dream
school and has to make a decision. He was willing to stay behind to be with her, but she pushes him to stay on track and
that she would wait. What a freaking liar.
I have to admit by the end of this book I really was hating Rory as she pushed
him into the decision, so why couldn't she stay freaking faithful. I now am in
two minds about reading the last book in the duet as I don't want to hear the
excuses about how things happened and why. The Upside of Falling by Meghan
Quinn does end on a cliffhanger.

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