Review: My Girly Unicorn - J. Pedicini


Review: My Girly Unicorn - J. Pedicini - June 2022

I don't think I have ever seen such an adorable picture book. If I was little or had a daughter or even a niece, this is one picture book I would buy for them - even more so if they are like me. From the illustrations to the bright colours, everything about this book made me squee with glee as it just screams girly and happiness. The story starts with a unicorn who is beautiful and out there, sadly though all the other unicorns make fun of her as they don't understand her. That is until trouble happens and all the other unicorns are terrified, but not our brave little extroverted unicorn as she jumps in and saves the day. After this happens, all the other unicorns thank her profusely and let her join in with their fun and finally, our girly unicorn is surrounded by friends and love. Sounds very familiar right? That's what I felt when I was reading this book as our girly unicorn's tale reminded me of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer from all the others excluding and name-calling and then finally they save the day and everyone wants to be their friends and let them join in on the fun. This book is perfect for children aged 3-6 years old and all those young Unicorn lovers out there whether you are a Pony sister or a Brony.



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