Top Ten Tuesday - Top 10 Words That Make Me Read A Unknown Author

30 little-known words that will help you win Scrabble | Reader's Digest New  Zealand

Today's TTT theme is all about Words . Those words that grab you and make you want to read a book.  For myself, it is a known author to me - I tend to buy the book on the author alone and don't look at anything else, but what about all those new authors I've discovered . What is it that draws me to their books and hitting the one-click button ?
Here is my Top 10 words that make me want to go "I want that read book" of an author I know nothing about.

1. Song Titles - If the book has the title of a famous song e.g Sweet Boy O' Mine - Cyndi Carlisle

2. Book Club - If the title has the word Book Club in it e.g The Bromance Book Club series by Lyssa Kay Adams

3. Austen - If the title has the word Austen in it , it means it relates somehow to Jane Austen e.g The Jane Austen Book Club by Karen Joy Fowler

4. Fairytale Title/ Classics - If the title has some variation and you can tell it was based on a fairytale/ classic book then I am sure to hit buy now e.g Hester by Laurie Lico Albanese.

5. Social Media References - If the book title contains a # or a reference to Social networking/online then it goes into my one-click pile e.g The Right Swipe by Alisha Rai.
6. FBI/ Law Enforcement - As a fan of mystery and serial killer novels , having the words FBI or some sort of law enforcement e.g Detective in the title/ tagline has me clicking buy-now e.g The Puzzle Maker (Abby Kane FBI Thriller Series) by Ty Hutchinson.

7. Hacker - I love books that have Hackers in them , I think I wish that if I had been great with computers , it would have been fun. So I love to read about them e.g Hung Up on the Hacker by Kait Nolan.

8. Academic Subjects
- I love geeky romances and so any book with a "academic subject" in the title finds itself in my basket of goodies e.g Blinded me with Science by Tara September

9. Food Terminology - I love sweet and quirky romances every now and again and ones set in the world of baking/cooking e.g The Worst Dates bring Chocolate Cake by Alina Jacobs.

10. Puns/ Substituted Words
- As I love geeky things and all things Linguistics, I am a sucker for a good pun etc and so these titles wheel me in e.g Mad About Ewe - Susannah Nix.

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  1. A great list. I've recently learnt that I enjoy books with food in them 😂
    Have a good week!
    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
    My post:

  2. Cool twist on this week's topic! I don't know if there are words that particularly attract me to reading certain books if I don't know much about the author, I generally decide whether I'm interested in reading something based on the synopsis rather than the title.
    My TTT:

  3. Titles that are song lyrics always catch my attention, too! And then the song is stuck in my head for the rest of the day. That must be why those kinds of titles are used. It works!

    Happy TTT!

  4. Such a cool twist to this one! #4 for me, totally!


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