Review: If You Dare - A.R Torre

Review: If You Dare - Book #3 Deanna Madden Series - A.R Torre - November 2015

It had been at least two years since I read paperback copies and print as when I left the library, I became more reliant on my Kindle for reading and turned to ebooks. With a bit of encouragement from an Instagram chat group of New Zealand and Australian book bloggers, we decided to make May - the month of clearing old books off your bookshelf and I have managed to go through quite a few awesome books. In saying that I still have a massive stack of books to get through. Life of a bookworm, right ??.
If You Dare is Book 3 of Deanna Madden and in this book, we read as Deanna wakes up with no recollection of the night before. All she knows is that she has a busted lip and something bad must of happen as her window is now wide open. She calls Jeremy but receives no answer. We later learn that Jeremy is in hospital after being left for dead and the police believe Deanna is their main suspect.  If You Dare is a past/present novel and the past leads up to the incident and the present is Deanna being charged with attempted murder. The thing is though that this is one that she's not guilty of, who is setting her up? Can Mike help Deanna find out what the heck is going on? If there's anyone Deanna can rely on, she knows that Mike will always have her back.  If You Dare was another great romantic suspense/psychological edgy thriller by AR Torre. If you love thrillers and edgy reads with kick-arse females that don't appear strong but deep down are, then you will enjoy the Deanna Madden series.



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