Review: Two Cabins, One Lake - Shaye Marlow

Two Cabins, One Lake (Alaskan Romance #1)

Review: Two Cabins, One Lake - Book #1 Alaskan Romance - Shaye Marlow - June 2015
I have been a fan of The Wild Ones series, and a friend suggested for me to read Two Cabins, One Lake by Shaye Marlow. Set in Alaska, we meet Helly Hanson. She is a fishing guide during most of the summer, and then in the winter, she lives off her royalties as she also writes Erotic romance. Helly loves living in the middle of nowhere as she can get her writing done with the peace and with hardly any neighbors, she can be left to her own company which she loves. That is until she gets a new neighbor as the oldies across the lake have sold their house to a guy named Gary.  Thus begins kind of an Across the Lake - Neighbour Wars Alaskan style with gunshot holes in her panties, to burning patches of blueberries and being awoken at 4 am by the noise of a chainsaw. As the bickering goes on and the petty fights, we also read some chemistry developing on the pages. To appease the erotic fans, we have snippets of Helly's manuscripts and the pair of them acting out their sexual fantasies. Two Cabins, One Lake was a bit of a slower read for me and though I did enjoy the warring neighbors and the backwoods setting. I am still more partial to the Wild Ones series as compared to this series; I found the characters more of what I imagined a backwoods Alaskan would act like.


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