The Midnight Guardian - A Millenial Novel
The term Vampire is a word that seems to be falling into the blacklist of names. Apparently according to many Paranormal and Supernatural books , it is now not PC to call a Vampire just that or even spell it thy original way. We have Vampyres ,Immortals or Immortyls, Eternals and now Millenials . The word Vampire is being seen as a derogatory term and falls in the category of blood-suckers.
The Midnight Guardian - Sarah Jane Stratford -2009
What do you get when you put Millenials into the midst of 1938-1945 when Hitler's army is ruling Germany and Hitler is trying to extinguish all Jews , which unfortunatley we all know how that turned out with the loss of millions of lives in the Holocaust. Millenials are 1000 year old Vampires. The Year is 1939 and Hitler and his Third Reich have started their reign to be rid of Jews. Unfortunately in The Midnight Guardian , it is not just Jews that Hitler wishes to be rid of , he wants to get rid of everything unclean .... this includes the Vampire race. In order to give the Nazi's a run for their money , Five Millenials including Brigit , Mors and Meghan whom are Vampires who have lived for over 1000 years . However as these Millenials are about to discover , the Nazi's are more capable than any human they have ever encountered and they contain so much darkness that love is not even a registered emotion for them anymore. Can the Millenials bond together and create a force so strong that they can overcome the Nazi Regime or will the Vampire race along with the Jews become another lost race ?
The Midnight Guardian is a perfect collection of Paranormal , Suspense and the Historical as author Sarah Jane Stratford uses the facts and knowledge of World War 2and prior wars to recreate the perfect story and one that readers will all understand from what they have been taught through books , school , family, friends and movies.
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