
Showing posts from November, 2012

Review: Small town Storm - Elise K. Ackers

  Today's Destiny Romance spotlighted and reviewed on "The Phantom Paragrapher" thanks to Netgalley is Elise K. Ackers' release "Small Town Storm". Review: Small Town Storm - Elise K. Ackers - August 2012 Did you enjoy that movie "The Sixth Sense" ? In a way this book first reminded me of the movie as we learn that the main character's mother tried to kill her overtime by posioning her food and lacing it with arsenic . Nineteen years ago Erica's mother Alicia was convicted of trying to kill her daughter, that night Erica left behind the one person in the world that she cared about - best friend Jordie Hill. Now flash forward nineteen years, the pair of them have somehow found their ways back to their hometown and are both again in their own ways wanting answers about what happened that fateful night. Jordan has grown up to become the Chief of Police and Erica a Veternarian. Though it seems that trouble cannot stay away from E...

Guest Post - Gina Linko ( Author of Flutter)

  Today's Guest Post Author is "Gina Linko" author of the Teen Fiction book "Flutter". Click here to check out "The Phantom Paragrapher's" thoughts on her book :   Guest Post - Gina Linko :   Way back when the Internet was just learning to sit up on its own and I was still wearing my 90s leopard-print Doc Martens, I taught seventh grade language arts. I was good friends with the fabulous librarian (seriously, folks, aren't librarians just the best!) and that was when I spent a lot of time reading young-adult literature. My students gobbled up books by Joan Lowery Nixon and Christopher Pike, and lots of other talented authors. They loved books with a little mystery, horror, suspense. And in my grown-up life, I LOVED to read Stephen King and Dean Koontz. My favorite, favorite stories were the ones that involved normal, everyday people -- con...

Review:Hunting Lila - Sarah Alderson

  Looking for a teen book to read ? Heading into the Summer break and need a good book to lay at the beach and read ? Review: Hunting Lila - Book #1 - Lila Series - Sarah Alderson- August 2011 Imagine if everything you knew soon turned out to be wrong as you discover that someone you love so much was who you had been taught to kill , to destroy and hunt ? Our story starts with Lila being mugged and her powers seeming out of control , she then catches a flight from her home in London to LA where her brother Jack and his best friend Alex reside , they are Black Ops. Though not the black ops that we all learn about , their unit has been taught to hunt certain people who have the abilities that other normal human beings don;t have from telepathic skills to mind reading or telekinesis . Lila is one of them and soon she will discover that her brother has been hunting and killing people just like her . What happens though when it is leaked in Jack's Unit that Lila is one of...

New Indie Books Outlet - Grub Street Reads

    Two women have decided to embrace the wonderful world of Indie Publishing and came up with the brand name of Grub Street Reads which you can check out more information at   Can Two Girls Change The Way You Choose Your Next Book? By Jessica Bennett   As one of the two girls mentioned in the title, I hope the answer is ā€˜yesā€™. But more on that in a moment. First, letā€™s talk about a few small changes you ā€“ savvy reader ā€“ have probably noticed in the book world over the last couple of years. For instance, you may have noticed that the whole pages/ink/cover/physical mass trend is so yesterday. Today, many of you probably read some or the majority of your books on a Kindle, Nook, iPad or even on your phone.   Another trend is that ebook prices are falling faster than the Queen of England when she decides to go sky diving. No longer do readers have to shell out $24.99 for a hardback or $12.99 for a pape...

Review: Wish - Kelly Hunter

  Proud to have on my blog and introduce it to the world is Australia's new Penguin Digital Imprint - "Destiny Romance" which will help launch many new Australian authors into the world of books and publishing. As a member of Netgalley , I was lucky enough to be able to read and review a few of the new books in this imprint. Today's one is by Kelly Hunter and is titled "Wish". Review: Wish - Kelly Hunter - October 2011 Set in rural Australia in a small country town , we meet single mother Billie Temple and her son Cal . Billie has just arrived in town after recieving a job to manage the local pub. It seems though that their has been a bit of miscommunication as the landlord of her new house expected a male and definitely wanted someone with no kids.  Now Billie must help sway landlord Adam's ways as Billie and her son have nowhere left to go. With a bit of city know-it-how, Billie starts to rally ar...

Review: Mother of Pearl - Kellie Coates Gilbert

  Do you have a hankering to read an Edgy Christian fiction novel ? Prepare to be surprised when you read Kellie Coates Gilbert's book "Mother of Pearl".   Review: Mother of Pearl - Kellie Coates Gilbert - September 2012 Have you ever judged a book by it's cover and thought hmm that looks like a good book but then once you get into you realise that you are in for a ride because the content of the story is far grittier than you ever imagined ? That's what happened to me with Mother of Pearl, from the cover it looks like quite a posh- upperclassmen novel as we see a mother in a suit and the greens of a field and a rugby ball to the side. Mother of Pearl first introduces us to school guidance counsellor Barrie and her family including daughter Pearl and son Aaron , we then read as Pearl is becoming more and more rebellious, acting out etc and coming home drunk. One night which should have been the happiest day of her life, Barrie is presented with ...

Review: One Tough Chick - Leslie Margolis

  Looking for a great role model for your tween daughter ?  Check out the Annabelle series  by Leslie Margolis and the best thing about this series , is that you don't have to read them in order. Review: One Tough Chick - Leslie Margolis - January 2013 After completing a book on puppy training with her dog Pepper, it seems that Annabelle has learnt that taming guys is almost the same thing and we see as Annabelle puts on her tough exterior and becomes nicknamed throughout the novel as "one tough chick". In this book without giving too much away we read as Annabelle gets her first boyfriend Oliver , and talent show fever has hit her school and Annabelle has been chosen to become a judge , but what will happen when the other contestants start to shower and try and kiss up to Annabelle, will her final deciding on who wins be swayed with bribes ? Something is up with her parents, are they breaking up or will there be a bigger announcement of news ? Find out i...

Review: Pushing The Limits - Katie McGarry

  Looking for an edgy teen fiction ? Something that does push the readers boundaries of normal teen fiction? Review: Pushing the Limits - Book #1 Pushing the Limits - Katie McGarry - July 2012 Two teens from opposite sides of the tracks fall in love with the whole world against them ? Sounds familiar ? It has an almost Romeo and Juliet feel to it as we meet two teenagers Noah Hutchins and Echo Emerson, both have been delegated to go along to their guidance counsellor's new guinea pig programme, here they will be counselled in school by Miss Collins. Both have lost someone they cared for and now are struggling to move forward , for Echo her family has been a strong issue with an overbearing father, a brother who died in the Marines, a new stepmother who used to be her babysitter and of course the main reason she is in therapy - we learn her mother tried to kill her and Noah Hutchins - bouncing from Foster home to foster home, he lost his parents in a fire and now he h...